



Welcome to melthinks; methinks (mehopes) you’ll find something funny, useful, and interesting here. And silly wordplay. And word nerdery in general.

A friend recently asked me what I would do for a living if I could do anything I wanted. Maybe it’s a result of being raised by a single parent, but I don’t necessarily think of career and dream in the same sentence. I work to live; I’m happy showing up to work, doing an excellent job, and using my downtime for the good stuff.

So, what’s the good stuff?

Movies: Ever since I was given $5 at the age of seven to have lunch and see Grease by myself (I came home with change; it was 1978!), I’ve loved going to the movies. Although I spend a lot of time with TiVo and my DVD/Blu-Ray collection, the big screen is where it’s at. There’s something about the tradition of this shared experience that still appeals. Apart from most action and western films, my taste is pretty eclectic.

Books: I come from a family of readers. I’m coming around to reading books on a Kindle, actively enjoy audiobooks, and favor biographies and historical fiction. John Irving is at the top of the list for me when it comes to fiction.

Music: I’m eclectic here, too, and love the opportunity to hear/see music live. Some of the best concerts I’ve seen: Robert Plant + Alison Krauss, Prince, The Cure, Lyle Lovett and His Large Band, The Who, Public Enemy, and Michael Hedges.

Food: I’ve always loved to eat, but have really started having fun in the kitchen over the past few years. You’ll be seeing some of my cooking adventures here.

Theater: There are many opportunities to see live theater in my neck of the woods. I’m a huge Stephen Sondheim nerd and enjoy non-musical theater as well…especially when I get a chance to see friends performing.

Photography: Clouds, flowers, komorebi (sunlight filtering through tree leaves), my nephews, food…and clouds. Did I say clouds? Clouds. I’ve got a bunch of old black and white photos that were taken on a manual camera — with film — on flickr (Silvergirl70) and my cell phone pics are on Instagram (melthinks). One of these days I’ll get around to buying a DSLR.

Friends and family: I guess you could call me a ambivert, 50/50 between introvert and extrovert. I am very happy on my own, watching television, hanging out on Pinterest, taking photos, or enjoying any of the items on the list above. However, it’s also great to spend time with friends and family. I’m blessed with a small circle of people who have been in my life for a very long time, plus some wonderful nephews that are old enough to come over and stay the night nowadays.

I expect this blog will be a little bit of everything, representing what I’m doing, what I’m thinking, and what I’m eating.  Please enjoy…and let me know what you think!



What do you think?